Study ID | WHOB002 |
Study Name | Wenatchee River PCB Source Assessment |
EIM Data Entry Review Status | Reviewed |
Study Type | General environmental study |
Study Purpose | PCB concentrations in fish tissue from the Wenatchee River are among the highest in Washington State. The goal of this project is to investigate potential PCB sources within the Wenatchee River Basin. Sampling will include the use of semi-permeable membrane devices, solid-phase extraction disks in continuous low-level aquatic monitoring (CLAM) devices, and sediments. Samples of the lower food web will also be collected (periphyton and macroinvertebrates) and measured for PCB concentrations. |
Field Collection Date Range | 8/18/2014 - 6/7/2023 |
Data First/Last Loaded Date |  |
Data Last Updated Date |  |
Ecology Program or Other Responsible Entity | Ecy Environmental Assessment Program |
Ecology Contact | Will Hobbs |
Ecology Monitoring Program | |
Submitting Organization | |
Study QA Planning Level | LEVEL 4: Approved QAPP or SAP. |
Study QA Project Plan Description | |
Study QA Assessment Level | Level 5: Data Verified and Assessed for Usability in a Peer-Reviewed Study Report |
Study Result Description | |
Study Comment | Data collected for this study using Semipermeable Membrane Devices (SPMDs) can be requested from the studies’ Project Manager, which is listed in the Ecology Contact field in the Study in EIM. |
Linked Study | |
Ecology Funding Number | |
Ecology Facility/Site ID | |
Ecology Cleanup Site ID | |
Recommended QC Blank Censor Factor | |
Study ID Aliases (Alias Type) | |