Study Details

Study ID:  WHM_WHB

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Study Basics

Study NameWide Hollow Creek Water Quality Study for Aquatic Life Use (Bioassessment and Habitat Component)
EIM Data Entry Review StatusReviewed
Study TypeHabitat monitoring, including Status and Trends monitoring
Study PurposeThe goal of this water quality study is to provide a best understanding of the current and potential water quality conditions in Wide Hollow Creek, particularly for water temperature, dissolved oxygen, and pH.
Field Collection Date Range5/21/2013 - 7/17/2014
Data First/Last Loaded Date
Data Last Updated Date
Ecology Program or Other Responsible EntityEcy Environmental Assessment Program
Ecology ContactJim Carroll
Ecology Monitoring Program
Submitting Organization
Study QA Planning LevelLEVEL 4: Approved QAPP or SAP.
Study QA Project Plan Description
Study QA Assessment LevelLevel 3: Data Verified and Assessed for Usability
Study Result Description
Study Comment
Linked Study
Ecology Funding Number
Ecology Facility/Site ID
Ecology Cleanup Site ID
Recommended QC Blank Censor Factor
Study ID Aliases (Alias Type)

Study Data Summary (Record Count or Type)