Study Details

Study ID:  CFA_WQ14

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Study Basics

Study IDCFA_WQ14
Study NameChehalis Flood Authority Water Quality Monitoring
EIM Data Entry Review StatusReviewed
Study TypeGeneral environmental study
Study PurposeBeginning in July 2013, the consulting firm Anchor QEA, under contract with the Chehalis Flood Authority (CFA), conducted water quality studies to support the evaluation of fish habitat impacts from the Chehalis River Flood Control Project. The study was designed to develop background conditions and to support water quality model development. The study included: continuous data collection for instream temperature using thermistors at select locations along the river; and Hydrolab field measurements and laboratory samples collected during water quality surveys from the river, tributaries, and wells near the river. In July 2014, Anchor QEA finished their water quality work and the Department of Ecology (Ecology) took over monitoring of the thermistor network. The purpose of the study extension was to support the work of the Chehalis Flood Authority and Ecology's management of water quality.
Field Collection Date Range7/2/2013 - 9/25/2014
Data First/Last Loaded Date
Data Last Updated Date
Ecology Program or Other Responsible EntityEcy Water Quality Program, Southwest Region
Ecology ContactDustin Bilhimer
Ecology Monitoring Program
Submitting OrganizationWA Department of Ecology (internal)
Study QA Planning LevelLEVEL 4: Approved QAPP or SAP.
Study QA Project Plan DescriptionAnchor QEA wrote a QAPP which was reviewed and approved by Ecology. All study sites were selected by Anchor QEA. Ecology wrote an addendum to the study QAPP to extend the monitoring from August thru early October 2014.
Study QA Assessment LevelLevel 5: Data Verified and Assessed for Usability in a Peer-Reviewed Study Report
Study Result DescriptionThe continuous temperature results uploaded to EIM represent data that was checked to ensure a high level of data quality representative of instream conditions observed during the study period. Any erroneous data points related to temperatures recorded when the thermistors where downloaded by field crews has been removed from this dataset. In situ stream temperature reference measurements were made at the time of data downloads and were found to be in agreement with the continuous data record. Thermistors passed accuracy checks, following protocols in the QAPP, both before and after deployment. Water quality laboratory and field data have been reviewed for quality. Corrections made where correctable errors were identified. All data meet quality standards without qualification or as qualified. All other data not meeting quality standards were removed from the data set.
Study Comment
Linked Study
Ecology Funding Number
Ecology Facility/Site ID
Ecology Cleanup Site ID
Recommended QC Blank Censor Factor
Study ID Aliases (Alias Type)

Study Data Summary (Record Count or Type)