Study ID | WHM_SEN_P |
Study Name | Status and Trends WA Statewide Sentinel Site Monitoring--Provisional Data |
EIM Data Entry Review Status | Not Reviewed |
Study Type | Habitat monitoring, including Status and Trends monitoring |
Study Purpose | Receive and hold data for each current study year, until data review is complete. Reviewed data are then rolled into the WHM_SEN study ID. The WHM_SEN study aims to investigate long-term patterns in stream health at 'least disturbed' sites to determine the impacts of natural shifts in climate, environment, and habitat without the influence of human interference |
Field Collection Date Range | 7/7/2021 - 10/2/2023 |
Data First/Last Loaded Date |  |
Data Last Updated Date |  |
Ecology Program or Other Responsible Entity | Ecy Environmental Assessment Program |
Ecology Contact | Ed Krynak |
Ecology Monitoring Program | |
Submitting Organization | |
Study QA Planning Level | LEVEL 4: Approved QAPP or SAP. |
Study QA Project Plan Description | |
Study QA Assessment Level | Level 1: Data neither Verified nor Assessed for Usability |
Study Result Description | |
Study Comment | |
Linked Study | WHM_SEN (Same study, but provisional and final data broken into separate EIM studies.)
Ecology Funding Number | |
Ecology Facility/Site ID | |
Ecology Cleanup Site ID | |
Recommended QC Blank Censor Factor | |
Study ID Aliases (Alias Type) | |