Study Details

Study ID:  G1400520

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Study IDG1400520
Study NameWRIA 31 Implementation & Monitoring
EIM Data Entry Review StatusNot Reviewed
Study TypeBest Management Practices (BMP) effectiveness monitoring
Study PurposeOperate and maintain two stream gaging stations on Rock Creek to document continuous record of stream flow to be incorporated into subbasin hydrology studies. Included areas are the Rock Creek, Chapman Creek, Pine Creek and Alder Creek watersheds. Create an inventory of baseline water quality data with a focus on stream temperature as it relates to beneficial uses. Monitor effectiveness of restoration projects and management activities over time on water quality. Performed under the Clean Water Act grant with the Washington State Department of Ecology.
Field Collection Date Range4/21/2014 - 10/24/2017
Data First/Last Loaded Date
Data Last Updated Date
Ecology Program or Other Responsible EntityEcy Water Quality Program, Central Region
Ecology ContactAdam Oestreich
Ecology Monitoring Program
Submitting OrganizationCentral and Eastern Klickitat Conservation District - Goldendale WA
Study QA Planning LevelLEVEL 4: Approved QAPP or SAP.
Study QA Project Plan DescriptionQuality Assurance Project Plan: Monitoring for Little Klickitat TMDL Grant #G1400520, prepared by Jim E Hill and Jess Davenport, Eastern Klickitat Conservation District
Study QA Assessment LevelLevel 4: Data Verified and Assessed for Usability in a Formal Study Report
Study Result Description2008-2012 data was reported to Ecology grant #G0800398. 2013 did not have an ecology grant in place and was reported under EKCDAmbientWQ.
Study Comment
Linked Study
Ecology Funding NumberG1400520
Ecology Facility/Site ID
Ecology Cleanup Site ID
Recommended QC Blank Censor Factor
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