Study ID | WHM_BIO_P |
Study Name | Biological Montioring Program--Provisional Data |
EIM Data Entry Review Status | Not Reviewed |
Study Type | Habitat monitoring, including Status and Trends monitoring |
Study Purpose | Data from the current study year is held in this study and then rolled into the final study. The Freshwater Biological Monitoring Program provides bioassessment services of the ambient biological condition of “reference”, or least disturbed, streams across Washington State. Data is collected using the protocols for narrow or wide rivers outlined by the Status and Trends Monitoring Program for Watershed Health and Salmon Recovery. This data is used for long term trend analysis, building assessment models, and providing guidance for restoration and other activities. Biological resources monitored include benthic macroinvertebrates and periphyton, and we anticipate the addition of other communities sensitive to environmental change. The Department of Ecology has been collecting biological data since 1993. The Biological Monitoring Program was established in 2009, with an effort to standardize data quality and improve the coverage of our assessment tools for all regions of Washington State. Data stored in EIM will meet uniform data quality standards to allow comparison of data among sites and projects, and the use of multiple assessment methods in a statistically defensible manner. |
Field Collection Date Range | 7/6/2021 - 10/3/2023 |
Data First/Last Loaded Date |  |
Data Last Updated Date |  |
Ecology Program or Other Responsible Entity | Ecy Environmental Assessment Program |
Ecology Contact | Chad Larson |
Ecology Monitoring Program | |
Submitting Organization | |
Study QA Planning Level | LEVEL 4: Approved QAPP or SAP. |
Study QA Project Plan Description | |
Study QA Assessment Level | Level 1: Data neither Verified nor Assessed for Usability |
Study Result Description | |
Study Comment | |
Linked Study | WHM_BIO (Same study, but provisional and final data broken into separate EIM studies.)
Ecology Funding Number | |
Ecology Facility/Site ID | |
Ecology Cleanup Site ID | |
Recommended QC Blank Censor Factor | |
Study ID Aliases (Alias Type) | |