Study Details

Study ID:  MicrobialRespiration

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Study Basics

Study IDMicrobialRespiration
Study NameSpatial and seasonal variability in Salish Sea bottom-water microbial respiration
EIM Data Entry Review StatusNot Reviewed
Study TypeGeneral environmental study
Study PurposeTo determine spatial and seasonal variability in Salish Sea bottom-water microbial respiration.
Field Collection Date Range9/7/2018 - 6/10/2019
Data First/Last Loaded Date
Data Last Updated Date
Ecology Program or Other Responsible EntityEcy Environmental Assessment Program
Ecology ContactJude Apple
Ecology Monitoring Program
Submitting OrganizationWA Department of Ecology (internal)
Study QA Planning LevelLEVEL 3: QAPP, SAP, or Equivalent.
Study QA Project Plan DescriptionWater column microbial respiration is a key driver of carbon cycling, pH and oxygen dynamics in marine ecosystems and a primary step for remineralization of organic matter in natural waters. However, in situ estimates of microbial respiration and its relative contribution to hypoxia and ocean acidification are seldom measured. For this reason, we have limited knowledge of regionally relevant rates for microbial respiration to include in water quality models. In 2014, we began reconnaissance monitoring of respiration rates at multiple sites in the central Salish Sea (San Juan Islands, Bellingham Bay) and including routine monitoring of short-term respiration at multiple sites in Padilla Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR). Our investigation reveals that rates of respiration vary seasonally and appear to be associated with changes in organic matter supply and, to a lesser extent, temperature, and incoming deeper waters of marine origin characterized by relatively low but consistent rates of respiration (i.e. ~5 ug O2 L-1 h-1).
Study QA Assessment LevelLevel 3: Data Verified and Assessed for Usability
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