Study Details

Study ID:  FS1292568

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Study Basics

Study IDFS1292568
Study NameMay Creek Landfill Groundwater Assessment Monitoring
EIM Data Entry Review StatusNot Reviewed
Study TypeContaminated site investigation (characterization, includes RI/FS and remedial design)
Study PurposeThis sampling program is designed to collect representative groundwater monitoring data to assess concentrations of the contaminants of potential concern at the May Creek Landfill site.
Field Collection Date Range2/10/2020 - 3/1/2022
Data First/Last Loaded Date
Data Last Updated Date
Ecology Program or Other Responsible EntityEcy Environmental Assessment Program
Ecology ContactJacob Carnes
Ecology Monitoring Program
Submitting Organization
Study QA Planning LevelLEVEL 3: QAPP, SAP, or Equivalent.
Study QA Project Plan Description
Study QA Assessment LevelLevel 4: Data Verified and Assessed for Usability in a Formal Study Report
Study Result Description
Study CommentSite is also known as the Pillon Property.
Linked Study
Ecology Funding Number
Ecology Facility/Site ID1292568
Ecology Cleanup Site ID4119
Recommended QC Blank Censor Factor
Study ID Aliases (Alias Type)

Study Data Summary (Record Count or Type)


Study Documents and Publications

Linked Documents (14)

 TitleDate Ecology ProgramType

Group: Legal

  Pillon Property - Early Notice Letter 04/18/2003TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsEarly Notice Letter

Group: Technical Reports

  Pillon Property - King County Water Quality Analytical Report 12/30/2002TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsSite Specific Technical Document - other
  Pillon Property - King County DNR Water Quality Violation Letter 02/04/2003TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsSite Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
  Pillon Property - ERTS 531727 with handwritten notes 04/04/2003TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsSite Specific Technical Document - other
  Pillon Property - Tax Parcel Information 04/18/2003TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsSite Specific Technical Document - other
  Pillon Property - HWTR Dangerous Waste Compliance Inspection Report 10/06/2006TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsSite Specific Technical Document - other
  Pillon Property - ERTS 531727 updated 10/22/2014TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsSite Specific Technical Document - other
  Pillon Property - SHA Notification Letter 09/28/2015TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsSite Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
  Pillon Property - Site Hazard Assessment, Renton, WA 12/11/2015TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsSite Hazard Assessment Report
  Pillon Property - Site Hazard Assessment Rank Notification Letter 01/14/2016TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsSite Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
  Pillon Property - Monitoring Well Locations 07/19/2019TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsGroundwater Monitoring Report
  Pillon Property - Monitoring Well Construction Summary 07/19/2019TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsGroundwater Monitoring Report
  Pillon Property - 2019 Groundwater Analytical Results 07/19/2019TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsGroundwater Monitoring Report
  Pillon Property - Technical Memo: May Creek Landfill GW Assessment Monitoring, February 2020 Sampling Results 01/26/2021TCP Cleanup Site DocumentsGroundwater Monitoring Report