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Columbia River Carbonates details and products

Address P.O. Box 2350
Company Columbia River Carbonates
City Woodland
State WA
ZIP 98674
County Clark
Country USA
Phone (360) 225-6505
Fax (360) 225-5082
First Name Reed
Last Name Sherar
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
8960/642020Microna Liquid Lime Yes 8/19/2020Calcium Carbonate/Limestone
8486/642018Microna Liquid Lime Yes 7/10/2018Limestone
8058/642016Microna Liquid Time Yes 6/20/2016Limestone
7501/642014Microna Liquid Lime Yes 6/11/2014 Limestone
7090/642012Microna Liquid Lime Yes 7/30/2012Limestone
3605/642010Garden Pearls Natural Fert 2-4-2 Yes 12/20/2010Composted Poultry Manure,Rock Phosphate
3842/642010Microna Liquid Lime Yes 8/19/2010Limestone
4466/642008Garden Pearls Natural Fert 2-4-2 Yes 8/26/2008Chicken Manure
4611/642008Microna Liquid Lime Yes 6/27/2008Limestone
6143/642006Microna Liquid Lime Yes 8/9/2006Waste Ground Limestone
5454/642004Microna Liquid Lime Yes 9/20/2004Waste Ground Limestone
4774/642002Microna Liquid Lime Yes  Waste Ground Limestone
4241/642001Microna Liquid Lime Yes  Waste Ground Limestone