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PBI/Gordon Corp. details and products

CO_AG_ID 245
Address PO Box 014090
Company PBI/Gordon Corp.
City Kansas City
State MO
ZIP 64101
Country USA
Phone (800) 821-7925
Fax (816) 460-3718
First Name Wayne
Last Name Beyer
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
8763/2452019Ferromec Liquid Iron 15-0-0 Yes 7/1/2019Biuret Urea,Ferrous Sulfate,Heptahydrate
8764/2452019Ferromec AC 15-0-0 No 7/1/2019Biuret Urea,Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate
8015/2452016Ferromes Liquid Iron 15-0-0 Yes 4/26/2016Biuret Urea,Ferrous Sulfate Heytahydrate
8016/2452016Ferromec AC 15-0-0 Yes 4/26/2016Biuret Urea,Ferrous Sulfate Heptahydrate
7393/2452013Launch 0-0-1 Yes 9/12/2013Potassium Hydroxide,Ferrous Edta
7394/2452013Launch Dry 0-0-1 Yes 9/12/2013Potassium Hydroxide,Ferrous Edta
5246/2452010Gordons Bov-a-Mura 5-0-0 Yes 6/15/2010Cow Manure
6037/2452010Gordons Professional Turf and Ornamental Products Launch 0-0-1 Yes 6/15/2010Potassium Hydroxide,Ferrous Edta
6038/2452010Gordons Professional Turf and Ornamental Products Dry Launch 0-0-1 Yes 6/15/2010Potassium Hydroxide,Ferrous Edta
5818/2452005Gordons Bov-a-Mura 5-0-0 Yes 8/19/2005Cow Manure
5093/2452003Gordons Bov-a-Mura 5-0-0 Yes 9/3/2003Cow Manure
6721/2452002Gordons Bov-a-Mura 5-0-0 Yes  Cow Manure