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Soda Springs Phosphate II details and products

CO_AG_ID 303
Address 720 E. Industrial Park
Company Soda Springs Phosphate II
City Soda Springs
State ID
ZIP 83276
Country USA
Phone (208) 547-3494
Fax (208) 547-4220
First Name Larry
Last Name Simmons
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
8860/3032019Ida Gro Pelletized Poultry Compost 1-3-2 Yes 8/22/2019Chicken Litter,Soft Rock Phosphate
8302/3032017Ida Gro Pelletized Pultry Compost 1-3-2 Yes 10/3/2017Chicken Litter,Soft Rock Phosphate
7714/3032015Ida Gro Pelltized Poultry Compost 1-3-2 Yes 8/18/2015Chicken Litter,Soft Rock Phosphate
7324/3032013Ida Gro Pelletized Poultry Compost No 8/2/2013Chicken Litter,Soft Rock Phosphate
6798/3032011Ida Gro Pelletized Poultry Compost 1-3-2 Yes 6/27/2011Chicken Litter,Soft Rock Phosphate
5817/3032005Ida-Gro Pelletized Poultry Compost 2-4-2 Yes 8/19/2005Composted Poultry Litter
5355/3032004Ida-Gro Pelletized Poultry Compost 2-4-2 Yes 1/20/2005Composted Poultry Litter