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Woodburn Fertilizer, Inc. details and products

CO_AG_ID 395
Address P.O. Box 7
Company Woodburn Fertilizer, Inc.
City Woodburn
State OR
ZIP 97071
Country USA
Phone (503) 981-3525
Fax (503) 981-5747
First Name Steve
Last Name Krupicka
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
3726/3952000Emprie Green 27-2-14 Yes  Steel Mill Flue Dust
3727/3952000Hi Micro Fe 15-5-10 Yes  Steel Mill Flue Dust
3728/3952000Pro Ornamental 14-18-12 Yes  Steel Mill Flue Dust
3729/3952000Royal Green 19-3-16 Yes  Steel Mill Flue Dust
3730/3952000Cranberry Mix with IDBU 14-14-14 Yes  Steel Mill Flue Dust
3731/3952000K Special 12-12-28 Yes  Steel Mill Flue Dust