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Aggrene Corp. details and products

CO_AG_ID 399
Address 915 Tower Ave.
Company Aggrene Corp.
City Superior
State WI
ZIP 54880
County Douglas
Country USA
Phone (715) 392-3011
Fax (715) 392-8277
First Name Dana
Last Name Bourdage
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
4450/3992008Aggrene Natural Fertilizer Yes 6/27/2008Fish Meal,Blood Meal
4451/3992008Aggrene Tomato Foodilizer Yes 6/27/2008Blood Meal,Fish Meal
4620/3992008Aggrene Natural Organic Liquid Bonemeal Yes 6/27/2008Bone Meal
6296/3992006Aggrene Natural Organic Liquid Bonemeal Yes 1/5/2007Bone Meal
6297/3992006Aggrene Natural Fertilizer Yes 1/5/2007Fish Meal,Blood Meal
6298/3992006Aggrene Tomato Foodilizer Yes 1/5/2007Fish Meal,Blood Meal
5359/3992004Green Tech Organic Liquid Fertilizer 2-3-3 Yes 1/21/2005Sugar Cane Processing Water
3184/3992001Aggrene Natural Organic Liquid Bonemeal Yes 8/11/2000Bone Meal
3736/3992001Aggrene Natural Fertilizer Yes 8/11/2000Blood Meal,Fish Meal
3739/3992001Aggrene Tomato Foodilizer Yes 8/11/2000Blood Meal,Fish Meal
3183/3992000Aggrene Natural Organic Liquid Bonemeal Yes  Bone Meal
3737/3992000Aggrene Natural Liquid Lime Yes   
3738/3992000Aggrene Tomato Foodilizer Yes  Blood Meal,Fish Meal
3734/3992000Aggrene Natural Kelp and Sulfate of Potash Yes  Kelp Meal
3735/3992000Aggrene Natural Fertilizer Yes  Blood Meal,Fish Meal