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Roots, Inc. details and products

CO_AG_ID 687
Address 3120 Weatherford Road
Company Roots, Inc.
City Independence
State MO
ZIP 64055
Country USA
Phone (816) 254-6000
Fax (816) 254-1408
First Name Lynda
Last Name Bell
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
5094/6872003dryRoots Formula Yes 9/3/2003Composted Poultry Manure
5095/6872003Greens Grade Dry Roots Formula Yes 9/3/2003Composted Poultry Manure
5096/6872003Roots Transplant 1-Step Yes 9/3/2003Composted Poultry Manure
5097/6872003Roots Turf Food Fine Grade 15-3-8 Yes 9/3/2003Feather Meal,Meat,Bone Meal
5098/6872003Roots Turf Food Fine Grade 20-2-8 Yes 9/3/2003Feather Meal,Meat,Bone Meal
5099/6872003Roots Turf Food Fine Grade 12-2-12 Yes 9/3/2003Feather Meal,Meat,Bone Meal
3796/6872002Greens Grade Dry Roots Formula Yes 10/5/2001Composted Poultry Manure
3798/6872002Roots Transplant 1-Step Yes 10/5/2001Composted Poultry Manure
4844/6872002Roots Turf Food Fine Grade 15-3-8 Yes  Feather Meal,Meat,Bone Meal
4845/6872002Roots Turf Food Fine Grade 20-2-8 Yes  Feather Meal,Meat,Bone Meal
4846/6872002Roots Turf Food Fine Grade 12-2-12 Yes  Feather Meal,Meat,Bone Meal
4847/6872002Roots Turf Food Fine Grade 8-2-6 Yes  Feather Meal,Meat,Bone Meal
3797/6872000Roots Transplant 1-Step Yes  Dried Poultry Waste
3794/6872002dryRoots Formula Yes  Dehydrated Poultry Manure
3795/6872000Greens Grade Dry Roots Formula Yes  Feather Meal,Dried Poultry Waste