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DF Marks Co. (Terosa) details and products

CO_AG_ID 700
Address 8510 Maltby Road
Company DF Marks Co. (Terosa)
City Woodinville
State WA
ZIP 98072
County King
Country USA
Phone (360) 668-3802
Fax (360) 668-4285
First Name Phil
Last Name Greger
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
6046/7002005Once-A-Year The Ultimate Annual & Perennial Food Yes 4/28/2006Blood Meal,Fish Meal
6047/7002005Once-A-Year The Ultimate Rose Food Yes 4/28/2006Blood Meal,Fish Meal
6051/7002005Once A Year The Ultimate Lawn Food 14-3-7 Yes 4/28/2006Dried Poultry Waste,Fish Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Feather Meal,Blood Meal
4992/7002003Once-A-Year The Ultimate Annual & Perennial Food Yes 8/15/2003Blood Meal,Fish Meal
4993/7002003Once-A-Year The Ultimate Rose Food Yes 8/15/2003Blood Meal,Fish Meal
4994/7002003Once A Year The Ultimate Lawn Food 14-3-7 Yes 8/15/2003Blood Meal,Fish Meal
3631/7002002Once-A-Year The Ultimate Rose Food Yes 10/5/2001Blood Meal,Fish Meal
3627/7002002Once-A-Year The Ultimate Annual & Perennial Food Yes 10/5/2001Blood Meal,Fish Meal
3629/7002002Once-A-Year The Ultimate Rhododendron, Azalea & Camellia Food Once-A-Year The Ultimate Rhododendron, Azalea & Camellia Food Yes 10/5/2001Blood Meal
3630/7002000Once-A-Year The Ultimate Rose Food Yes  Steel Mill Flue Dust
3628/7002000Once-A-Year The Ultimate Rhododendron, Azalea & Camellia Food Once-A-Year The Ultimate Rhododendron, Azalea & Camellia Food Yes  Steel Mill Flue Dust
3632/7002002Once A Year The Ultimate Lawn Food 14-3-7 Yes  Blood Meal,Fish Meal,Feather Meal,Dried Poultry Waste,Fish Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish
3626/7002000Once-A-Year The Ultimate Annual & Perennial Food Yes  Steel Mill Flue Dust