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United Compost & Organics details and products

CO_AG_ID 1020
Address P.O. Box 787
Company United Compost & Organics
City Arcata
State CA
ZIP 95518
County Humboldt
Country USA
Phone (707) 826-1991
Fax (707) 826-1966
First Name Erin
Last Name Henley
Comments Alternate address: 1220 5th St., Arcata, CA 95521
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
8174/10202017Bush Doctor Bembe 0-1-3 Yes 3/9/2017Bat Guano,Earthworm Castings,Phosphoric Acid,Rock Phosphate,Seabird Guano,Sulfate Of Potash Magnesia
8020/10202016Fox Farm Salamander Soil Potting Mix 0.35-0.25-0.2 No 4/28/2016Bat Guano,Dolomite Lime,Earthworm Castings,Oyster Shells
4304/10202010Fox Farm American Pride Super Premium Fertilizer 9-6-6 Yes 6/22/2010 
4803/10202010Fox Farm Big Bloom Liq. Plant Food 0.001-0.3-0.7 Yes 6/22/2010 
4804/10202010Fox Farm Marine Cuisine 10-7-7 Yes 6/22/2010 
4805/10202010Peace of Mind Tomato & Vegetable Food 7-4-5 Yes 6/22/2010 
4806/10202010Peace of Mind Fruit & Flower Food 5-8-4 Yes 6/22/2010 
4814/10202010Happy Frog Jump Start 3-4-3 Yes 6/22/2010 
4815/10202010Peace of Mind Japanese Maple 4-8-5 Yes 6/22/2010 
5838/10202010Fox Farm Peace of Mind Steamed Bone Meal Yes 6/22/2010 
5839/10202010Fox Farm Peace of Mind Bat Guano 0-7-0 Yes 6/22/2010 
5840/10202010Fox Farm Peace of Mind Bulb Food 3-8-8 Yes 6/22/2010 
5841/10202010Fox Farm Peace of Mind Acid Loving 6-4-4 Yes 6/22/2010 
5842/10202010Peace of Mind Starter 3-4-3 Yes 6/22/2010 
6491/10202007Fox Farm Marine Cuisine 10-7-7 Yes 11/5/2007Fish Meal,Seabird Guano,Bat Guano,Blood Meal,Crab Meal,Shrimp Meal
6492/10202007Peace of Mind Tomato & Vegetable Food 7-4-5 Yes 11/5/2007Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Feather Meal,Fish Meal,Bat Guano,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Bone Meal
6493/10202007Peace of Mind Fruit & Flower Food 5-8-4 Yes 11/5/2007Meat,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Bat Guano,Fish Meal,Feather Meal,Blood Meal
6494/10202007Fox Farm Peace of Mind Steamed Bone Meal Yes 11/5/2007Bone Meal
6499/10202007Fox Farm Peace of Mind Bat Guano Yes 11/5/2007Bat Guano
6500/10202007Fox Farm Peace of Mind Bulb Food 3-8-8 Yes 11/5/2007Bat Guano,Feather Meal,Bone Meal
6501/10202007Fox Farm Peace of Mind Acid Loving 6-4-4 Yes 11/5/2007Feather Meal,Fish Meal,Bat Guano
6502/10202007Fox Farm Peace of Mind Premium Lawn 8-2-6 Yes 11/5/2007Bone Meal,Feather Meal,Bat Guano
6503/10202007Peace of Mind Starter 3-4-3 Yes 11/5/2007Fish Bone Meal,Meat,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Meal,Bat Guano,Feather Meal,Blood Meal
6504/10202007Fox Farm Peace of Mind All-Purpose 5-5-5 Yes 11/5/2007Bone Meal,Fish Blood Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Blood Meal,Bat Guano,Fish Meal,Feather Meal
6505/10202007Fox Farm Peace of Mind Rose Food 4-4-5 Yes 11/5/2007Bat Guano,Fish Meal,Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish
6509/10202007Happy Frog Jump Start 3-4-3 Yes 11/5/2007Fish Bone Meal,Fish Meal,Bat Guano,Feather Meal,Blood Meal,Bone Meal
6510/10202007Peace of Mind Japanese Maple 4-8-5 Yes 11/5/2007Bat Guano,Feather Meal,Bone Meal
6488/10202007Fox Farm American Pride Super Premium Fertilizer 9-6-6 Yes 11/1/2007Bat Guano,Blood Meal
6489/10202007Fox Farm Big Bloom Liq. Plant Food Yes 11/1/2007Seabird Guano,Bat Guano
6028/10202005Happy Frog Acid Loving Plant Fert. 6-4-4 Yes 4/17/2006Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Bat Guano
6029/10202005Happy Frog All Purpose Plant Food 5-5-5 Yes 4/17/2006Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Bat Guano
6030/10202005Happy Frog Bat Guano 0-4-0 Yes 4/17/2006Bat Guano
6031/10202005Happy Frog Bulb Food 3-8-8 Yes 4/17/2006Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Bat Guano
6032/10202005Happy Frog Fruit & Flower Fert. 5-8-4 Yes 4/17/2006Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Bat Guano
6033/10202005Happy Frog Japanese Maple Fert. 4-8-5 Yes 4/17/2006Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Bat Guano
6034/10202005Happy Frog Premium Lawn Fert. 8-2-6 Yes 4/17/2006Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Bat Guano
6035/10202005Happy Frog Rose Food 4-4-5 Yes 4/17/2006Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Bat Guano
6039/10202005Happy Frog Steamed Bone Meal 3-15-0 Yes 4/17/2006Bone Meal
6040/10202005Happy Frog Tomato & Vegetable Fert. 7-4-5 Yes 4/17/2006Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Bat Guano
5843/10202005Fox Farm Peace of Mind Rose Food 4-4-5 Yes 8/26/2005Feather Meal,Blood Meal,Fish Meal,Bat Guano,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Bone Meal,Bone Meal
5844/10202005Happy Frog Jump Start 3-4-3 Yes 8/26/2005Feather Meal,Blood Meal,Fish Meal,Bat Guano,Fish Bone Meal,Bone Meal
5845/10202005Fox Farm Big Grow 6-4-4 Yes 8/26/2005Blood Meal
5846/10202005Peace of Mind Japanese Maple 4-8-5 Yes 8/26/2005Bone Meal,Bat Guano,Feather Meal
5824/10202005Fox Farm American Pride Super Premium Fertilizer 9-6-6 Yes 8/26/2005Bat Guano,Blood Meal
5825/10202005Fox Farm Big Bloom Liq. Plant Food Yes 8/26/2005Seabird Guano,Bat Guano
5826/10202005Fox Farm Marine Cuisine 10-7-7 Yes 8/26/2005Fish Meal,Seabird Guano,Bat Guano,Crab Meal,Shrimp Meal,Blood Meal
5827/10202005Peace of Mind Tomato & Vegetable Food 7-4-5 Yes 8/26/2005Bat Guano,Feather Meal,Meat,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Blood Meal,Fish Meal
5828/10202005Peace of Mind Fruit & Flower Food 5-8-4 Yes 8/26/2005Bat Guano,Feather Meal,Meat,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Blood Meal,Fish Meal
5831/10202005Fox Farm Peace of Mind Steamed Bone Meal Yes 8/26/2005Bone Meal
5832/10202005Fox Farm Peace of Mind Bat Guano Yes 8/26/2005Bat Guano
5833/10202005Fox Farm Peace of Mind Bulb Food 3-8-8 Yes 8/26/2005Bone Meal,Bat Guano,Feather Meal
5834/10202005Fox Farm Peace of Mind Acid Loving 6-4-4 Yes 8/26/2005Feather Meal,Blood Meal,Fish Meal,Bat Guano,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Bone Meal,Bone Meal
5835/10202005Fox Farm Peace of Mind Premium Lawn 8-2-6 Yes 8/26/2005Bone Meal,Bat Guano,Feather Meal
5836/10202005Peace of Mind Starter 3-4-3 Yes 8/26/2005Meat,Bone Meal,Fish Meal,Bat Guano,Feather Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Bone Meal,Blood Meal
5837/10202005Fox Farm Peace of Mind All-Purpose 5-5-5 Yes 8/26/2005Feather Meal,Blood Meal,Fish Meal,Bat Guano,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Bone Meal,Bone Meal
5353/10202004Peace of Mind Japanese Maple 4-8-5 Yes 1/20/2005Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Bat Guano
5102/10202003Fox Farm American Pride Super Premium Fertilizer 9-6-6 Yes 9/5/2003Blood Meal,Bat Guano
5103/10202003Fox Farm Big Bloom Liq. Plant Food Yes 9/5/2003Bat Guano,Seabird Guano
5108/10202003Fox Farm Marine Cuisine 10-7-7 Yes 9/5/2003Blood Meal,Fish Meal,Shrimp Meal,Crab Meal,Bat Guano,Seabird Guano
5109/10202003Peace of Mind Tomato & Vegetable Food 7-4-5 Yes 9/5/2003Feather Meal,Meat,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Meal,Blood Meal,Bat Guano
5110/10202003Peace of Mind Fruit & Flower Food 5-8-4 Yes 9/5/2003Feather Meal,Meat,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Meal,Blood Meal,Bat Guano
5111/10202003Peace of Mind Starter 3-4-3 Yes 9/5/2003Feather Meal,Meat,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Bat Guano
5112/10202003Fox Farm Peace of Mind Steamed Bone Meal Yes 9/5/2003Bone Meal
5113/10202003Fox Farm Peace of Mind Bat Guano Yes 9/5/2003Bat Guano
5114/10202003Fox Farm Peace of Mind Bulb Food 3-8-8 Yes 9/5/2003Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Bat Guano
5118/10202003Fox Farm Peace of Mind Acid Loving 6-4-4 Yes 9/5/2003Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Bat Guano
5119/10202003Fox Farm Peace of Mind Premium Lawn 8-2-6 Yes 9/5/2003Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Bat Guano
5120/10202003Fox Farm Peace of Mind All-Purpose 5-5-5 Yes 9/5/2003Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Bat Guano
5121/10202003Fox Farm Peace of Mind Rose Food 4-4-5 Yes 9/5/2003Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Bat Guano
4999/10202003Happy Frog Jump Start 3-4-3 Yes 8/22/2003Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Fish Meal,Blood Meal,Bat Guano
5000/10202003Fox Farm Big Grow 6-4-4 Yes 8/22/2003Blood Meal
3138/10202002Fox Farm American Pride Super Premium Fertilizer 9-6-6 Yes 7/19/2002Blood Meal,Bat Guano
3139/10202002Fox Farm Grow Big Liquid Plant Food 12-7-7 Yes 7/19/2002Blood Meal
3140/10202002Fox Farm Marine Cuisine 10-7-7 Yes 7/19/2002Blood Meal,Fish Meal,Shrimp Meal,Crab Meal,Bat Guano,Seabird Guano
3500/10202000Fox Farm American Pride Super Premium Fertilizer 9-6-6 Yes 3/8/2000Blood Meal,Bat Guano
3501/10202000Fox Farm Grow Big Liquid Plant Food 12-7-7 Yes 3/8/2000Blood Meal
3502/10202000Fox Farm Marine Cuisine 10-7-7 Yes 3/8/2000Blood Meal,Fish Meal,Seabird Guano,Bat Guano
4908/10202002Peace of Mind Tomato & Vegetable Food 7-4-5 Yes  Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Bat Guano
4909/10202002Peace of Mind Fruit & Flower Food 5-8-4 Yes  Feather Meal,Bone Meal,Hydrolyzed Fish,Fish Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Bat Guano