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Plant Health Care, Inc. details and products

CO_AG_ID 1141
Address 440 William Pitt Way
Company Plant Health Care, Inc.
City Pittsburgh
State PA
ZIP 15238
Country USA
Phone (412) 826-5488
Fax (412) 826-5445
First Name Michael
Last Name Kernan
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
6341/11412010Gro Tabs 12-8-8 Yes 8/19/2010Feather Meal,Blood Meal,Fish Meal,Bone Meal,Urea,Methylene Urea,Mono Ammonium Phosphite
6204/11412006Healthy Start Macro Tablets 12-8-8 Yes 9/11/2006Feather Meal,Blood Meal,Fish Meal,Bone Meal
6205/11412006PHC Flower Saver Plus 3-4-3 Yes 9/11/2006Feather Meal,Blood Meal,Bone Meal,Fish Meal
6206/11412006PHC Turf Saver Plus 3-4-3 Yes 9/11/2006Feather Meal,Blood Meal,Bone Meal,Fish Meal
5265/11412004Mycor Flower Saver Plus Yes 6/28/2004Feather Meal,Blood Meal,Bone Meal,Fish Meal
5266/11412004Mycor Turf Saver 3-4-3 Yes 6/28/2004Feather Meal,Blood Meal,Bone Meal,Fish Meal
5268/11412004Healthy Start Macro Tablets 12-8-8 Yes 6/28/2004Feather Meal,Blood Meal,Fish Meal,Bone Meal
5269/11412004Mycor Plant Saver 4-7-4 Yes 6/28/2004Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Fish Meal,Feather Meal
5082/11412003Mycor Plant Saver 4-7-4 Yes 12/12/2003Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Fish Meal,Feather Meal
4951/11412003Mycor Turf Saver 3-4-3 Yes 8/13/2003Feather Meal,Blood Meal,Bone Meal,Fish Meal
4952/11412003Healthy Start Macro Tablets 12-8-8 Yes 8/13/2003Feather Meal,Blood Meal,Fish Meal,Bone Meal
3383/11412001Mycor Flower Saver Plus Yes  Bone Meal,Blood Meal,Feather Meal,Seagoing Fish