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Ecoval, Inc. details and products

CO_AG_ID 1164
Address 293 Church St.
Company Ecoval, Inc.
City Oakville
State ON
Country Canada
Phone (800) 772-0781
Fax (216) 362-0781
First Name JC
Last Name Prinzo
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
3135/11642002Natures Glory 9-2-2 Lawn Food Yes 7/18/2002Feather Meal,Bone Meal
3136/11642002Natures Glory 5-2-4 Lawn Food Plus 2% Iron Yes 7/18/2002Feather Meal,Bone Meal
3129/11642002Natures Glory 4-4-8 Tree, Shrub, Conifer & Lawn Food Plus 2% Iron Yes 7/18/2002Feather Meal,Bone Meal
3130/11642002Natures Glory 5-2-4 Container & Window Box Fertilizer Yes  Feather Meal,Bone Meal
3131/11642002Natures Glory 5-3-8 Rose Food Yes  Feather Meal,Bone Meal
3132/11642002Natures Glory 5-7-7 Tomato & Vegetable Fertilizer Yes  Feather Meal,Bone Meal
3134/11642002Natures Glory 5-10-5 Bulb Food Yes  Feather Meal,Bone Meal
3390/11642001Natures Glory 4-4-8 Tree, Shrub, Conifer & Lawn Food Plus 2% Iron Yes  Bone Meal,Feather Meal
3391/11642001Natures Glory 5-2-4 Container & Window Box Fertilizer Yes  Bone Meal,Feather Meal
3392/11642001Natures Glory 5-3-8 Rose Food Yes  Bone Meal,Feather Meal
3393/11642001Natures Glory 5-7-7 Tomato & Vegetable Fertilizer Yes  Bone Meal,Feather Meal
3394/11642001Natures Glory 5-10-5 Bulb Food Yes  Bone Meal,Feather Meal
3395/11642001Natures Glory 9-2-2 Lawn Food Yes  Bone Meal,Feather Meal
3396/11642001Natures Glory 5-2-4 Lawn Food Plus 2% Iron Yes  Bone Meal,Feather Meal