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EB Stone & Son, Inc. details and products

CO_AG_ID 1546
Address PO Box 550
Company EB Stone & Son, Inc.
City Suisun
State CA
ZIP 94585
Country USA
Phone (707) 426-2500
Fax (707) 426-8960
First Name Theresa
Last Name Stewart
Comments Alternate address: 6111 Lambie Rd., Suisun, CA
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Product Detail for 2007 E.B. Stone Organics Fish Emulsion with Kelp 4-1-1

WSDA Product ID (PR_AG_ID) 15460006
Registration Year 2007
Manufacturer Id 1546
Product Name E.B. Stone Organics Fish Emulsion with Kelp 4-1-1
Maximum Application Rate 1336
Waste Derived Flag Yes
Micro Nutrient Flag No
TCLP Flag No
Totals Flag No
Arsenic Level NA
Barium Level NA
Cadmium Level NA
Chromium Level NA
Mercury Level NA
Lead Level NA
Selenium Level NA
Silver Level NA
Halogenated Organic Carbon Level NA
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Level
Review Complete Date 11/15/2007
DeptAgricultureOkFlag No
Comments This fertilizer is derived from an organic waste (fish scrap) and as such it was NOT required to submit test results for leachable metals and halogenated organic compounds. Ecology reviewed a description of the ingredients and the production process to produce this product and determined that no hazardous wastes were used. As a result, Ecology approved this product for registration.
Waste Type Fish Scrap
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