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Ocean Protein details and products

CO_AG_ID 1786
Address P.O. Box 696
Company Ocean Protein
City Hoquiam
State WA
ZIP 98550
Country USA
Phone (360) 538-7400
Fax (360) 538-7272
First Name Aaron
Last Name Dierks
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
8670/17862018Ocean Protein Fish Soluble Fertilizer 4-1-1 Yes 11/7/2018Fish By Product,Fish Stickwater,Fish Tankage
7521/17862014Ocean Protein Fish Soluble Fertilizer 4-1-1 Yes 7/1/2014Fish Stickwater,Fish Tankage,Fish By-Product
7488/17862014Ocean Protein Bone Meal 5-5-0 Yes 3/18/2014Fish,By-Product Wastes
7489/17862014Ocean Protein Crab Meal 3-1-0 Yes 3/18/2014Crustacean Waste
7167/17862012Ocean Protein Fish Soluble Fertilizer 4-1-1 Yes 11/26/2012Fish Stickwater,Fish Tankage,Fish By-Product
7066/17862012Ocean Protein Ammonium And Sulfur 4-0-0 Yes 5/1/2012Fish,Fish By-Product
4289/17862009Ocean Protein Fish Soluble Fertilizer 4-1-1 Yes 8/13/2010Fish,Fish By-Product,Fish Tankage,Stick Water