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Encap, LLC details and products

CO_AG_ID 1884
Address 3921 Algoma Rd
Company Encap, LLC
City Green Bay
State WI
ZIP 54311
County 54311
Country USA
Phone (920) 406-5050
Fax (920) 406-9740
First Name Shannon
Last Name Homme
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
7790/18842015Encap Earthworm Castings 1-0-0 Yes 10/9/2015Earthworm Castings
7791/18842015Encap Lawn + Garden Compost Yes 10/9/2015Composted Leaves And Manure
7792/18842015Encap Lawn & Garden Compost AST Yes 10/9/2015Composted Leaves And Manure
7256/18842013Encap Earthworm Castings 1-0-0 Yes 4/2/2013Earthworm Castings
7257/18842013Encap Lawn & Garden Compost 18lb Yes 4/2/2013Composted Leaves,Post Digested Composted Dairy Manure
7258/18842013Encap Lawn & Garden Compost 7lb Yes 4/2/2013Composted Leaves,Post Digested Composted Dairy Manure