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BioOregon Protein Inc. details and products

CO_AG_ID 2549
Address PO Box 429
Company BioOregon Protein Inc.
City Warrenton
State OR
ZIP 97146
Country USA
Phone (503)861-2256
Fax (503)861-3701
First Name Dan
Last Name Humphries
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
8989/25492020BioGan 4-2-0 Yes 9/28/2020Crab Shell Meal
9102/25492020BioGran 6-8-0 Yes 7/23/2020Shrimp Shell
9101/25492020BioGan 6-13-0 Yes 7/16/2020Fish Bone
8495/25492018Biogan 6-7-0 Yes 7/2/2018Shrimp Shells
8496/25492018Biogan 4-2-0 Yes 7/2/2018Crab Shell
8497/25492018Biogan 6-5-0 Yes 7/2/2018Fish Bone
8115/25492016Biogan 6-7-0 Yes 8/29/2016Shrimp Shell
8116/25492016Biogan 4-2-0 Yes 8/29/2016Crab Shell
8117/25492016Biogan 6-5-0 Yes 8/29/2016Fish Bone
7265/25492013Bio Gan 4-2-0 Yes 4/9/2013Crab Shell
7266/25492013Bio Gan 6-5-0 Yes 4/9/2013Fish Bone
7267/25492013BioGan 6-7-0 Yes 3/13/2013Shrimp Shells