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National Garden Wholesale details and products

CO_AG_ID 2602
Address 5408 NE 88th Street, Bldg A-101
Company National Garden Wholesale
City Vancouver
State WA
ZIP 98665
Country USA
Phone (360) 571-4460
Fax (360) 883-5395
First Name Dennis
Last Name Dunbar
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
8439/26022018Buried Treasure Phos Seabird Yes 5/11/2018Seabird Guano
8440/26022018Buried Treasure Peruvian Seabird 12-10-3 Yes 5/11/2018Seabird Guano
8441/26022018Mother Earth Composted Chicken Manure 3-2-2 Yes 5/11/2018Composted Chicken Manure
8416/26022018Buried Treasure Nitro Bat Yes 3/13/2018Bat Guano
8013/26022016Buried Treasure Phos Bat 0-7-0 Yes 4/27/2016Bat Guano
7730/26022015Buried Treasure Nitrobat Yes 7/13/2015Bat Guano
7731/26022015Buried Treasure Phosbat 0-13-0 Yes 7/13/2015Bat Guano
7732/26022015Buried Treasure Phos Seabird Yes 7/13/2015Seabird Guano
7626/26022015Mother Earth Composted Chicken Manure 3-2-2 Yes 1/7/2015Composted Chicken Manure
7499/26022014Buried Treasure Peruvian Seabird 12-10-3 Yes 5/29/2014Seabird Guano
7424/26022013Buried Treasure Nitro Bat 9-3-1 Yes 10/17/2013Bat Guano
7425/26022013Baried Treasure Phos Bat 0-13-0 Yes 10/17/2013Bat Guano
7426/26022013Buried Treasure Phos Seabird 0-12-0 Yes 10/17/2013Seabird Guano