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Hawthorne Hydroponics Vermicrop Organics details and products

CO_AG_ID 2785
Address 2877 Giffen Avenue
Company Hawthorne Hydroponics Vermicrop Organics
City Santa Rosa
State CA
ZIP 95407
Country USA
Phone 7072844701
Fax 7078249377
First Name Krystal
Last Name Pierce
Comments Hawthorne Hydroponics dba Vermicrop Organics. Address update July 2017. Vericrop Organics address is 5050 Arboga Rd. Oliverhurst, CA 95961
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
8632/27852018Vermipro 0.03-0.03-0.03 Yes 9/7/2018Bat Guano
8633/27852018Vermiveg 7-4-4 Yes 9/7/2018Alfalfa Meal,Basalt,Bat Guano,Blood Meal Feather Meal,Kelp Meal,Mg Sulfate,Rock Phosphate
8634/27852018Vermibloom 3-10-5 Yes 9/7/2018Alfalfa Meal,Basalt,Bat Guano,Fishbone Meal,Mg Sulfate,Rock Phosphate,Seabird Guano
8635/27852018Vermaiall 6-6-6 Yes 9/7/2018Alfalfa Meal,Bat Guano,Blood Meal,Crustacean Meal,Fishbone Meal,Kelp Meal,Rock Phosphate
8636/27852018PK Boost 1-13-6 Yes 9/7/2018Fishbone Meal,Kelp Meal,Potassium Sulfate,Seabird Guano
8637/27852018Vermibat 7-3-1 Yes 9/7/2018Bat Guano
8250/27852016Vermifire Potting Soil 0.17-0.11-0.14 Yes 6/13/2017Bat Guano,Blood Meal,Bone Meal,Dolemite Lime,Feather Meal,Potassium Sulfate
8251/27852017Vermisoil Potting Soil 0.1-0.05-0.07 Yes 6/13/2017Bat Guano,Blood Meal,Bone Meal,Dolomite Lime,Feather Meal,Potassium Sulfate
8014/27852016Vermibat 7-3-1 Yes 4/27/2016Bat Guano
7956/27852015Vermipro 0.03-0.03-0.03 Yes 11/20/2015Bat Guano
7957/27852015Vermiveg 7-4-4 Yes 11/20/2015Alfalfa Meal,Basalt,Bat Guano,Blood Meal,Feather Meal,Kelp Meal,Mg Sulfate,Rock Phosphate
7958/27852015Vermibloom 3-10-5 Yes 11/20/2015Alfalfa Meal,Basalt,Bat Guano,Fishbowl Meal,Mg Sulfate,Rock Phosphate,Seabird Guano
7959/27852015Vermiall 6-6-6 Yes 11/20/2015Alfalfa Meal,Blood Meal,Crustacean Meal,Fishbone Meal,Kelp Meal,Rock Phosphate
7960/27852015PK Boost 1-13-6 Yes 11/20/2015Fishbone Meal,Kelp Meal,Potassium Sulfate,Seabird Guano