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KGS Agro Group details and products

CO_AG_ID 3203
Address 9520 Star View Lane c/o CRES
Company KGS Agro Group
City Tallahasseee
State FL
ZIP 32309
Country USA
Phone 8504080038
First Name William
Last Name Bell
Comments Address on Label: 183 Chestnut Ridge Road Saddle River, New Jersey 07458
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Product Detail for 2018 Greenamax

WSDA Product ID (PR_AG_ID) 32030001
Registration Year 2018
Manufacturer Id 3203
Product Name Greenamax
Maximum Application Rate 2000
Waste Derived Flag No
Micro Nutrient Flag Yes
TCLP Flag Yes
Totals Flag No
Arsenic Level 0.001
Barium Level 0.001
Cadmium Level 0.005
Chromium Level 0.003
Mercury Level 0.005
Lead Level 0.001
Selenium Level 0.03
Silver Level 0.003
Halogenated Organic Carbon Level
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon Level
Review Complete Date 6/1/2018
DeptAgricultureOkFlag Yes
Waste Type Borax,Molybdenum Sulfate
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