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Hawthorne Hydrophonics LLC details and products

CO_AG_ID 3391
Address 2877 Griffen Ave
Company Hawthorne Hydrophonics LLC
City Santa Rosa
State CA
ZIP 95407
Country USA
Phone 7072844701
First Name Krystal
Last Name Pierce
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Product Applications


List of Product Applications by Year and Waste for the company listed above
Link: IDRegistration YearProduct NameWaste DerivedReviewed OnProduct Waste
8918/33912019Mother Earth Nitro Bat Guano 5-3-1 Yes 12/20/2019Bat Guano
8919/33912019Drammatic Organic Original Fertilizer 2-4-1 Yes 12/20/2019Fish Hydrolysate,Potassium Sulfate,Sodium Nitrate
8920/33912019Drammatic Organic Complete Fertilizer Yes 12/20/2019Fish Hydrolysate,Kelp Extract,Potassium Sulfate,Sodium Nitrate
8843/33912019Mother Earth Groundswell Performance Soil Yes 7/12/2019Bat Guano,Crab Meal,Earthworm Castings,Feather Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Seabird Guano
8801/33912019Mother Earth Farmers Market All Purpose Mix 4-5-4 Yes 7/9/2019Bat Guano,Blood Meal,Crustacean Meal,Feather Meal
8802/33912019Mother Earth Acid Drop Formulated For Your Acid-loving Plants 3-4-6 Yes 7/9/2019Bat Guano,Bone Meal,Feather Meal,Kelp Meal
8803/33912019Mother Earth Root down Plant Starter Mix 3-6-3 Yes 7/9/2019Alfalfa Meal,Bat Guano,Feather Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Kelp Meal
8804/33912019Mother Earth Seasons Choice Tomato + Vegetable Mix 4-5-6 Yes 7/9/2019Bat Guano,Blood Meal,Crustacean Meal,Feather Meal,Fish Bone Meal
8779/33912019Mother Earth Coco Peat 0.05-0.07-0.01 Yes 7/2/2019Bat Guano,Earthworm Castings,Feather Meal,Fish Bone Meal,Seabird Guano
8780/33912019Mother Earth terracraft Potting Soil 0.19-0.08-0.11 Yes 7/2/2019Bat Guano,Earthworm Castings,Feather Meal,Kelp Meal,Seabird Guano