Facility Site ID: 38613568 Cleanup Site ID: 1501

Third Periodic Review Completed

Environmental cleanup is complete at the site and the third periodic review shows the cleanup work remains effective in protecting the health of the environment.

Because some hazardous material was left in place at the site, an environmental covenant was recorded on the property and filed with the county in 2003. When an environmental covenant exists for a cleanup site, Ecology reviews site conditions about every five years to ensure the long-term effectiveness of the cleanup action. 

Ecology conducted a site visit on May 11, 2021. The site is vacant and overgrown with trees and shrubs. The site is not used for any human activity and is relatively inaccessible. The site use and condition continues to reduce exposure pathways (ingestiion and direct contact) to contaminated soil. 

From March 10 to April 10, 2022, Ecology held a comment period to give the public an opportunity to comment on conditions at the site. No comments were received and Ecology finalized the third periodic review report.

Third Periodic Review Report Final

Site Description

Metal scrap is part of a former boiler.
Metal scrap is part of a former boiler.
The Hoko Logging Camp site is located approximately 15 miles south of Sekiu on the Hoko Ozette Road. Rayonier operated Hoko Camp as a logging base and fueling station for logging railroad locomotives from the late 1920s to the late 1960s. Heavy oil was used to power the steam locomotives.
Rayonier dismantled the site buildings, foundations, and rail lines after the camp was closed in the late 1960s. The site was re-forested and it is part of a timberland property managed by Rayonier.
In 2000, consultants working for Rayonier found locations where soil was contaminated with petroleum (diesel and heavy oil) from when the camp was operating.  

Site Cleanup

Former train and truck servicing area.
Former train and truck servicing area.

Rayonier entered the Voluntary Cleanup Program to cleanup the site. In 2001, petroleum contaminated soil was excavated from some areas using earth-moving equipment. After testing to make sure the contaminated soil was removed, the excavations were filled with clean soil, graded, and covered with forest debris.

Some petroleum-contaminated soil extended from the railroad grade down the slope in an area near the Hoko River. Excavation of contaminated soil on the slope was done using hand tools to maintain the stability of soil and trees on the upper slope. But some contaminated soil could not be excavated and remains buried.

A No Further Action determination was issued by Ecology in May, 2002.

Environmental covenant #1099230 was recorded for the site in January, 2003.  Among the covenant's restrictions, it prohibits activities that could result in the release of contaminants that remain at the site.

Voluntary Cleanup Program

This site was cleaned up under our Voluntary Cleanup Program, which provides technical help to owners of contaminated sites.

Voluntary Cleanup Program customers pay fees to cover our costs for technical help and reviewing cleanup reports. Sites in this program must meet the same cleanup standards as the sites Ecology manages under legal orders.

Site use restrictions called institutional controls are in effect

Institutional controls can be fences, signs, or restrictions on how the property is used. For instance, an institutional control may prohibit installing drinking water wells or disturbing a protective cap that isolates contamination. These restrictions keep the contamination contained and keep people from being exposed to the contamination. The controls are usually listed in environmental covenants recorded with the county.

Periodic reviews are required when institutional controls are required at a site. Ecology conducts reviews to make sure the controls remain effective and the cleanup still protects human health and the environment. We conduct periodic reviews about every five years.

Environmental Covenant

County Recording #: 1099230
County Recording Date: 1/14/2003


  • Prohibit Soil Disturbance
  • Restrict Land Use

Restricted Media

  • Soil
Legal 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Hoko Logging Camp Environmental Covenant01/14/2003 1/14/2003 Environmental Covenant; Alternative Mechanism
Outreach Information 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Hoko Logging Camp Third Periodic Review Responsiveness Summary (no comments) 7/22/2022 Responsiveness Summary
Technical Reports 5
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Hoko Logging Camp - Notice of Intent to Convey Interest in Property 8/29/2024 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Hoko Logging Camp - Third Periodic Review Completion Notice 8/1/2022 Periodic Review (5 Year)
Hoko Logging Camp Third Periodic Review Report - Final 7/22/2022 Periodic Review (5 Year)
Second Periodic Review Report - Final 7/25/2016 Periodic Review (5 Year)
Hoko Logging Camp 2011 Periodic Review 7/7/2011 Periodic Review (5 Year)
Voluntary Cleanup Program 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
HOKO Logging Camp SW0387 - VCP Site NFA 5/28/2002 VCP Opinion on Site Cleanup – NFA
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • Southwest Regional Office
    300 Desmond Dr SE
    Lacey, 98503-1274
    Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.

Contaminants 1

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Non-Halogenated Organics - Petroleum Products-Unspecified R
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.