Facility Site ID: 28514228 Cleanup Site ID: 970

Site Description

Amy’s Cleaners (Site) is located at 3377 Bethel Rd. Southeast Port Orchard, Washington at an elevation of approximately 280 to 300 feet above mean sea level.  Amy’s Cleaners was and still is an operating dry cleaners store, and has operated since 1989. Prior to January 2002, waste perchloroethylene (PCE), and PCE contaminated sludge and filters were generated by this tenant. As the dry cleaning solvents were recovered and condensed, impurities were accumulated as sludge. Waste storage conditions and operations at this facility appeared to be satisfactory, according to the consultant. The business owner, Mr. Kye Hyon Kim, has said waste PCE and PCE contaminated filters and residual sludge were removed for recycling on a bi-annual basis by Safety Kleen. As of January 2002, Mr. Kim replaced the former dry cleaning machine with a state-of-the-art Satec HCS machine (Model B-300) that utilizes hydrocarbon (synthetic petroleum) technology. Hydrocarbon dry cleaning uses Exxon DF-2000, which is odorless, non-toxic and classified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as non-hazardous to the environment.
EnviroBusiness, Inc. (EBI) conducted an initial subsurface investigation at the property in July 2000. The investigation activities and findings are presented in a report titled ‘Limited Subsurface Investigation Report, Amy’s Cleaners, July 14, 2000’. EBI advanced three borings: one inside the building near the dry cleaning machine and two outside, on the south side of the building. No active cleanup occurred according to information in Ecology files. Since MTCA Method A cleanup levels were exceeded in a limited area beneath the store, efforts were made to show protectiveness and to establish a conditional point of compliance, and implement institutional controls. Based on EBI’s visual inspection of the facility and review of waste manifests, it appears that the current dry cleaner is compliant with waste manifesting and proper waste disposal practices, and that no continuing source of contamination exists on the property. In addition, it should be noted that Amy’s Cleaners has made efforts to reduce the generation of hazardous waste by utilizing hydrocarbon dry cleaning technology, which is odorless, non-toxic and classified by EPA as non-hazardous to the environment.
Ecology issued a ‘No Further Action’ letter October 19, 2005, after a restrictive covenant was recorded with the county. The Amy's Cleaners site was removed from Washington's Hazardous Sites List in 2021.

Voluntary Cleanup Program

This site was cleaned up under our Voluntary Cleanup Program, which provides technical help to owners of contaminated sites.

Voluntary Cleanup Program customers pay fees to cover our costs for technical help and reviewing cleanup reports. Sites in this program must meet the same cleanup standards as the sites Ecology manages under legal orders.

Site use restrictions called institutional controls are in effect

Institutional controls can be fences, signs, or restrictions on how the property is used. For instance, an institutional control may prohibit installing drinking water wells or disturbing a protective cap that isolates contamination. These restrictions keep the contamination contained and keep people from being exposed to the contamination. The controls are usually listed in environmental covenants recorded with the county.

Periodic reviews are required when institutional controls are required at a site. Ecology conducts reviews to make sure the controls remain effective and the cleanup still protects human health and the environment. We conduct periodic reviews about every five years.

Environmental Covenant

County Recording #: 200403030372
County Recording Date: 3/3/2004


  • Ongoing Maintenance of Remedy
  • Prevent the Reuse or Relocation of Site Soil
  • Restrict All Ground Water Extraction/Well Installation
  • Restrict Land Use

Restricted Media

  • Groundwater
  • Soil
Legal 2
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Amy's Cleaners - Notice of Intent to Convey Interest in Property 5/19/2014 Environmental Covenant; Alternative Mechanism
Amys Cleaners - NW0568 2004 Recorded Environmental Covenant 3/3/2004 Environmental Covenant; Alternative Mechanism
Map 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Amy's Cleaners - Map of Soil Boring Locations 7/8/2015 Map
Public Information 1
Document Title Document Date Document Type
NW3125 Amys Cleaners Final Fact Sheet 7/19/2021 Fact Sheet\Public Notices
Technical Reports 9
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Cleanup Action Report - Amy's Cleaners 3/5/2021 Remedial Action Report
NW3125 Amy's Cleaners Cleanup Action Plan 3/1/2017 Cleanup Action Plan
Amys Cleaners Periodic Review 2016 11/1/2016 Periodic Review (5 Year)
NW3125 Amys Cleaners Phase II ESA 12/23/2015 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Amys Cleaners (Bethel Junction Shopping Center) - Ecology HWTR Contained-in Determination Letter 7/20/2015 Site Specific Administrative Document - other (Administrative correspondence)
Amy's Cleaners - Phase II Analytical Results 7/13/2015 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Summary of air sampling results 6/9/2015 Sampling and Analysis Plan
NW3125 Amys Cleaners summary of focused vapor intrusion assessment 2/4/2014 Site Specific Technical Document - other
Amy's Cleaners Periodic Review 10/1/2010 Periodic Review (5 Year)
Voluntary Cleanup Program 3
Document Title Document Date Document Type
Amy's Cleaners - VCP No Further Action Letter 10/4/2021 VCP Opinion on Site Cleanup – NFA
NW3125 Amys Cleaners Draft No Further Action Letter 7/19/2021 VCP Opinion on Site Cleanup – NFA
NW3125 Amy's Cleaners Acceptance Letter 12/1/2017 Voluntary Cleanup Program Opinion – Other
There may be more documents related to this site. To obtain documents not available electronically, you will need to make a public records request.

Places to see print documents

  • Northwest Regional Office
    15700 Dayton Ave N
    Shoreline, 98133
    Please schedule an appointment to view print documents at this location.

Contaminants 2

Contaminant Type
Surface Water
Halogenated Organics - Halogenated Organics RB
Halogenated Organics - Other Halogenated Organics RB
Confirmed Above Cleanup Levels
Below Cleanup Levels
This contaminant list was based on our best information at the time it was entered. It may not reflect current conditions at the site.