Lab Search Help

Advanced Search:    Provides a detailed search by using multiple criteria.  

Selecting the specific Matrix, Category and Method is required.  

"Select All" is available for other values.

Click on the “Combination Search” button to search based on your selections.

In the example below, the items in red were changed to select Drinking Water analysis for Metals using Method "EPA 200.9 Rev 2.2 (1994)" with all analytes in Washington state.


Example screenshot

To search for a specific laboratory, change the Laboratory Name from "Select All" to the individual laboratory.

Any time there is more than one Analyte for a Method, "Select All" is available to include all Analytes in that search.  (Select All is ordered alphabetically, so scroll down)

Changing the “Outside Washington State” to “None” will query only labs in Washington.

It is possible to make selections that have no results, as not all labs in every location perform all analysis.