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EVANS FRUIT CO INC COWICHE CITY RD Evans Fruit Co Cowiche City Rd PlantWAG4351066ActiveFruit Packer GPCOWICHE YakimaCentralPermit Submittals WAG435106_CowicheCityRd.2024_04_24.affidavitforPN.mpo.pdf 498619affidavit of publish, 20246/11/2024Central 5
EVANS FRUIT CO INC COWICHE CITY RD Evans Fruit Co Cowiche City Rd PlantWAG4351066ActiveFruit Packer GPCOWICHE YakimaCentralPermit Submittals WAG435106_2024_05_19.YakimaHeraldRepublic.2.mpo.pdf 493747public notice for coverage modification; english version yakima republic herald5/20/2024CentralCoverage Modification5
EVANS FRUIT CO INC COWICHE CITY RD Evans Fruit Co Cowiche City Rd PlantWAG4351066ActiveFruit Packer GPCOWICHE YakimaCentralPermit Submittals WAG435106_2024_05_19.YakimaHeraldRepublic.mpo.pdf 493746spanish affidavit of public notice of modification of coverage yakima herald republic5/20/2024CentralCoverage Modification5
EVANS FRUIT CO INC COWICHE CITY RD Evans Fruit Co Cowiche City Rd PlantWAG4351066ActiveFruit Packer GPCOWICHE YakimaCentralApplication Documents WAG435106_2024_04_24.modduetochangeinops.mpo.pdf 488007notice for modification of coverage4/25/2024CentralCoverage Modification5
EVANS FRUIT CO INC COWICHE CITY RD Evans Fruit Co Cowiche City Rd PlantWAG4351066ActiveFruit Packer GPCOWICHE YakimaCentralInspection Related WAG435106_2024_04_09_ComplianceInspection.mpo.pdf 484109inspection report4/16/2024CentralCompliance Inspection-Without Sampling Date: 04/09/20245
EVANS FRUIT CO INC COWICHE CITY RD Evans Fruit Co Cowiche City Rd PlantWAG4351066ActiveFruit Packer GPCOWICHE YakimaCentralEcology Communication EvansFruit_All_2023_02_23_DMRViolationsLetter.mpo.pdf 4333872022 DMR violations letter Central 5
EVANS FRUIT CO INC COWICHE CITY RD Evans Fruit Co Cowiche City Rd PlantWAG4351066ActiveFruit Packer GPCOWICHE YakimaCentralEcology Communication All_Evans_Fruit_2022_01_28_DMRViolationsLetter.mpo.pdf 392779DMR Violations Letter Central 5
EVANS FRUIT CO INC COWICHE CITY RD Evans Fruit Co Cowiche City Rd PlantWAG4351066ActiveFruit Packer GPCOWICHE YakimaCentralPermit Documents WAG435106-2021-PermitCoversheet.pdf 388314permit cover sheet CentralPermit Coverage Renewal5
EVANS FRUIT CO INC COWICHE CITY RD Evans Fruit Co Cowiche City Rd PlantWAG4351066ActiveFruit Packer GPCOWICHE YakimaCentralEcology Communication WAG435106-2021-12-17-IssuanceLetter.pdf 388313issuance letter CentralPermit Coverage Renewal5
EVANS FRUIT CO INC COWICHE CITY RD Evans Fruit Co Cowiche City Rd PlantWAG4351065InactiveFruit Packer GPCOWICHE YakimaCentralEcology Communication WAG435106-2021-07-06-ComplianceInspectionLetter.pdf 375025compliance inspection letter7/6/2021Central 5
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