Title | Results and Recommendations from Monitoring Arsenic Levels in 303(d) Listed Rivers in Washington |
Results and Recommendations from Monitoring Arsenic Levels in 303(d) Listed Rivers in Washington (Number of pages: 29) (Publication Size: 1MB)
Author(s) | Johnson, A. and S. Golding | ||||
Description | Based on a review of routine monitoring data and other water quality information, it was recommended that the 1998 303(d) listings for arsenic exceeding human health criteria in the Puyallup, Cowlitz, Spokane, and Columbia rivers should be removed, and that a TMDL should be conducted for arsenic in the lower Yakima River. The other 1998 listings for arsenic are for the Stillaguamish and Similkameen rivers, where TMDL evaluations are currently underway. Water quality data considered for future 303(d) arsenic listings should clearly demonstrate that exceedances of standards are due to anthropogenic, rather than natural, sources and should include some measurement of total inorganic arsenic on which the criteria are based. | ||||
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Contact | EAP Publications Coordinator at 564-669-3028 or EAPpubs@ecy.wa.gov | ||||
Keywords | recommendations, toxics, results, rule, Columbia River, 303(d), river, water, water quality, monitoring, toxic, Total Maximum Daily Load, arsenic | ||||
WATERSHED | Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIA 05,WRIA 10,WRIA 26,WRIA 37,WRIA 49,WRIA 57,WRIA CR) |
DATA | Environmental Information Management (EIM) #AJOH0028 Environmental Information Management (EIM) #AJOH0029 |
Stillaguamish River Watershed Fecal Coliform, Dissolved Oxygen, pH, Mercury, and Arsenic Total Maximum Daily Load Study Results of Sampling to Verify 303(d) Metals Listings for Selected Washington State Rivers and Creeks |
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