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An Assessment of the Chlorinated Pesticide Background in Washington State Freshwater Fish and Implications for 303(d) Listings

Publication number Date Published
13-03-007January 2013
VIEW NOW An Assessment of the Chlorinated Pesticide Background in Washington State Freshwater Fish and Implications for 303(d) Listings (Number of pages: 92) (Publication Size: 1437KB)

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Author(s) Johnson, A. and M. Friese
Description Legacy chlorinated pesticides and breakdown products were analyzed in 48 fish fillet samples collected from 28 background lakes across Washington State. The data were collected to help prioritize 303(d)-listed waterbodies for water cleanup plans and support revisions to the water quality standards for chlorinated pesticides.

The most frequently detected compounds (80% or more of samples) included 4,4’ isomers of DDT and its breakdown products DDE and DDD, dieldrin, chlordane components, hexachlorobenzene, and mirex. 4,4’-DDE occurred in the highest concentrations and increased moving from western to eastern Washington, a pattern not seen for any of the other pesticides. A number of the lakes sampled in the background study could qualify for 303(d) listing if higher fish consumption rates were adopted in the water quality standards.
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Contact Art Johnson at 360-407-6766 or
Keywords human health criteria, background, fish tissue, toxaphene, pesticides, 303(d), DDT, chlordane
DATA Environmental Information Management (EIM) #AJOH0065


Quality Assurance Project Plan: Analyzing Chlorinated Pesticide Residues in Fish from Washington Background Lakes