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Crowley Marine Services 8th Ave. South: Interim Action Work Plan and Amended Agreed Order Available for Public Comment

Publication number Date Published
14-09-262August 2014
VIEW NOW Crowley Marine Services 8th Ave. South: Interim Action Work Plan and Amended Agreed Order Available for Public Comment (Number of pages: 1) (Publication Size: 759KB)

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Author(s) Marieke Stientjes Rack
Description The Washington State Department of Ecology invites comments on an Interim (partial cleanup) Action Work Plan and amended Agreed Order (legal agreement) for the Crowley Marine Services 8th Ave. South cleanup site. The Interim Action Work Plan describes removal of contaminated soil from an area where the property owner plans to construct a concrete slab and rail lines. The amendment to the Agreed Order adds a new property owner and the requirement to conduct this Interim Action. Please submit your comments from August 2 through September 2, 2014.
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Keywords Public Comment, Agreed Order, interim action work plan
CLEANUP SITE Cleanup Site ID: 2520

FACILITY SITE Facility Site ID: 1940187


Crowley Marine Services 8th Ave S: Enmienda de la orden acordada y plan de trabajo de acción provisoria listos para

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Crowley Marine Services 8th Ave S: 同意命令修訂與臨時行動工作計劃公眾諮詢通告