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Quality Assurance Project Plan: WRIA 31 Implementation and Monitoring Project

Publication number Date Published
14-10-062 February 2014
VIEW NOW Quality Assurance Project Plan: WRIA 31 Implementation and Monitoring Project (Number of pages: 55) (Publication Size: 1061KB)

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Author(s) Davenport, Jess and Hill, Jim
Description Ecology awarded a grant to the Eastern Klickitat Conservation District (EKCD) to conduct temperature monitoring for the watersheds within WRIA 31. On the most recent 303(d) list approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Rock Creek is the only stream in this study that has a section listed as category 5 - polluted waters that require a water quality improvement project. The other streams in the WRIA are not listed on the 303(d) list but some have threatened species in a portion of the stream. Streams that have been identified as spawning streams for salmon and steelhead and have been given new temperature requirements of 55° F from Feb 15 to June 1 by EPA. However, it is pointed out in the Rock Creek Water Quality Report for WRIA 31 that high temperatures in Rock Creek “may be natural for a small creek in a hot, sunny summer climate”, but that more monitoring and assessment is required to set a baseline standard for the creek.
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Keywords Klickitat, temperature, water cleanup plan
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area 31 Rock-Glade
DATA Environmental Information Management (EIM) #G1400520

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