刊物名稱 |
Proposal to remove the UCO Corporation Site from the Hazardous Sites List |
現在閱覽 |
Proposal to remove the UCO Corporation Site from the Hazardous Sites List (頁數: 1) (檔案大小: 224KB)
註解: [~|PublicationNote|~]
作者 | Nancy Lui | ||||
描述 | UCO Corporation is located at 9225 151st NE, Redmond, WA in a mixed commercial and light industrial area. The Site was cleaned up under the Voluntary Cleanup Program. Ecology has determined that the cleanup work at the Site meets the requirements of state cleanup regulations. |
申請所需刊物 |
ADA可及性 按照美國殘疾人法(ADA)、康復法第504款和508款及華盛頓州第188號政策的要求,生態環保署致力為殘疾人士提供獲取信息和服務的渠道。 更多詳情請瀏覽 生態署網站。 |
聯絡人 | Diane Escobedo at 425-649-7097 or diane.escobedo@ecy.wa.gov | ||||
關鍵字 | Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCP), Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA), human health, Public Comment, hazardous site list | ||||
網頁 | Ecology’s Toxics Cleanup Website | ||||
環境整治工地 | Cleanup Site ID: 2669 |
管理廠商地址 | Facility Site ID: 2533 |
相關刊物 |
Proposal to remove the UCO Corporation Site from the Hazardous Sites List Proposal to remove the UCO Corporation Site from the Hazardous Sites List |
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