Title | Restover Truck Stop |
DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT | Comment on this draft | ||||
Restover Truck Stop (Number of pages: 2) (Publication Size: 538KB)
Author(s) | Dawn Hooper | ||||
Description | The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) invites you to comment on the proposal to remove the Restover Truck Stop Site (Site) from the Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List, a statewide list of contaminated sites that are ranked by their level of potential hazard and cleanup status. The Site is located at 2725 93rd Ave SW, Tumwater, WA 98512. | ||||
The mission of the Department of Ecology is to protect, preserve, and enhance Washington’s environment. To help us meet that goal, please consider the environment before you print or request a copy.
ADA Accessibility The Department of Ecology is committed to providing people with disabilities access to information and services by meeting or exceeding the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Washington State Policy #188. Visit Ecology’s website for more information. |
Contact | Sandra Caldwell at 360-407-7236 or jeff.newschwander@ecy.wa.gov | ||||
Keywords | Contaminated Sites List, Site Cleanup, petroleum, groundwater, clean up | ||||
WEB PAGE | Restover Truck Stop | ||||
CLEANUP SITE | Cleanup Site ID: 116 |
FACILITY SITE | Facility Site ID: 244 |
Copyright © Washington State Department of Ecology. See https://ecology.wa.gov/About-us/Accountability-transparency/Our-website/Copyright-information.