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South Park Landfill Consent Decree Fact Sheet

DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT Comment on this draft
Publication number Date Published
17-09-265October 2017
VIEW NOW South Park Landfill Consent Decree Fact Sheet (Number of pages: 4) (Publication Size: 402KB)
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Author(s) Jerome Cruz
Description Ecology invites your input on the following documents related to the investigation and cleanup of the South Park Landfill Site, located at 8100-8200 2nd Ave S in Seattle.
• Draft Remedial Investigation and Feasibility Study (RI/FS) Report
• Draft Cleanup Action Plan
• Revised Public Participation Plan
• Consent Decree
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Contact Jerome Cruz at 425-649-7094 or
Keywords Duwamish, Cleanup Action Plan, RI/FS, South Park Landfill, Public Participation Plan, Remedial Investigation, feasibility study, consent decree, cleanup, contamination
WEB PAGE South Park Landfill Cleanup Site
CLEANUP SITE Cleanup Site ID: 1324

FACILITY SITE Facility Site ID: 2180


Vertedero de South Park – Documentos de Limpieza y Decreto de Consentimiento

South Park Landfill Legal Document and Partial Cleanup Work Plan Available for Public Comment

Relleno Sanitario de South Park: El Documento Legal y el Plan del Trabajo para un Acción Provisional de Limpieza están Disponibles para Comentario Público

Bãi rác South Park Đóng góp Ý kiến Phê bình về Tài liệu Pháp lý và Kế hoạch dọn sạch bán phần


South Park Landfill Site: Agreed Order Amendment and SEPA Determination Available for Public Comment

South Park Landfill Site: La Enmienda a la Orden Acordada y la Determinación de SEPA están disponibles para Revisión Publica y Comentario

South Park Landfill Site: Hồ sơ về Sửa đổi Sắc lệnh Đồng thuận và quyết nghị SEPA sẽ có sẵn cho Công chúng duyệt qua và góp ý kiến

South Park Landfill Site: 邀請公眾對同意命令修改案 (Agreed Order Amendment) 和本州環境保護法案(SEPA)提供建議

Sitio del Relleno Sanitario de South Park

South Park Landfill Site Public Meeting

South Park Landfill Site