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Investigating contamination on the Northport waterfront

DRAFT FOR PUBLIC COMMENT Comment on this draft
Publication number Date Published
19-09-021March 2019
VIEW NOW Investigating contamination on the Northport waterfront (Number of pages: 4) (Publication Size: 413KB)
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Author(s) Erika Bronson
Description The Washington State Department of Ecology is directing and funding an investigation and evaluation of cleanup options of smelter-related metals contamination on Northport’s City Park and boat launch waterfront area. You are invited to comment on the draft Remedial Investigation (RI) Work Plan and State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) checklist and Determination of Non-Significance (DNS). We have reviewed the work plan activities using the SEPA checklist, and have determined they won’t adversely affect people or the environment, which resulted in the DNS.

Our goal is to assess options for protecting people and restoring the environment next to the City Park. The information gathered during the investigation will help Ecology understand where contamination exists and develop options for cleaning it up.
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Contact Erika Bronson at 509-359-3546 or
Keywords cleanup options, Model Toxic Control Act, Remedial Investigation, feasibility study, smelter, contamination
WEB PAGE Northport Waterfront cleanup site information
CLEANUP SITE Cleanup Site ID: 14874

FACILITY SITE Facility Site ID: 96239


Northport Waterfront: Public invited to comment on draft cleanup plan

Northport Waterfront: Public invited to comment on draft contamination and cleanup options reports