Title | POSTER: Incorporating Washington State Groundwater Information into the National Ground-Water Monitoring Network |
POSTER: Incorporating Washington State Groundwater Information into the National Ground-Water Monitoring Network (Number of pages: 1) (Publication Size: 2861KB)
Author(s) | Freeman, E. and E. Daiber | ||||
Description | The Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) conducts annual water-level monitoring of a statewide groundwater well network. In 2016, Ecology’s Environmental Assessment Program (EAP) received funding through the National Groundwater Monitoring Network (NGWMN) to provide water-level and water-quality information for state-monitored groundwater wells to the NGWMN. The NGWMN is an aggregation of wells selected from existing federal, state, tribal, and local groundwater monitoring networks completed in principal national aquifers. The well information from the participating organizations is then dynamically linked through a web-based portal and served to a graphical user interface developed and managed by the U. S. Geological Survey. Over the six years (2016-2022) of participation in the program, EAP has submitted information for 156 groundwater wells, with 146 wells including water-level information and 16 wells including water-quality information. Other activities funded through this program include a GPS survey of 23 wells, aquifer connectivity testing of 12 wells, and drilling/installing 11 dedicated groundwater monitoring wells. Future work will include (1) drilling/installing three more wells in eastern Washington and (2) providing additional monitoring well information for both the water-level and water-quality networks. The poster was presented at the 13th Washington State Hydrogeology Symposium in Tacoma, WA. May 10-12, 2022. |
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Contact | Eugene Freeman at 360-407-6764 or eufr461@ecy.wa.gov | ||||
Keywords | groundwater quality, groundwater monitoring, groundwater, National Ground-Water Monitoring Network, NGWMN | ||||
WEB PAGE | National Ground-Water Monitoring Network |
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