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Focus on: Sediment Quality in Bellingham Bay

Publication number Date Published
22-03-023July 2022
VIEW NOW Focus on: Sediment Quality in Bellingham Bay (Number of pages: 1) (Publication Size: 260KB)

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Author(s) Marine Sediment Monitoring Team
Description In June 2017, we sampled surface sediments at 30 monitoring stations in Bellingham Bay as part of the Department of Ecology’s Marine Sediment Monitoring Program Urban Bays surveys. We published the results in an interactive story map. The story map summarizes findings from analyses of physical, biogeochemical, and chemical contaminant parameters measured in sediment samples, as well as the composition of sediment-dwelling invertebrate communities. These results are also compared to those from our previous survey conducted in 2010.

Click on the “Sediment Quality in Puget Sound Story Map Collection” link* under WEB PAGE (below) to visit and interact with the online Bellingham Bay story map and other story maps to learn more about our Puget Sound Sediment Monitoring Program findings.

*To open our story maps, use the latest version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Edge.
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Contact Sandra Weakland at 360-407-6764 or
Keywords marine sediment monitoring, Puget Sound sediment monitoring, story map, Bellingham Bay, invertebrates, sediment monitoring
WEB PAGE Sediment Quality in Puget Sound story map collection
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Area 01 Nooksack
DATA Environmental Information Management (EIM) #UWI


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