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Quality Assurance Project Plan: Lead and Cadmium in School Supplies, 2021

Publication number Date Published
22-03-108April 2022
VIEW NOW Quality Assurance Project Plan: Lead and Cadmium in School Supplies, 2021 (Number of pages: 41) (Publication Size: 596KB)

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Author(s) Trumbull, K.
Description In partnership with the Washington State Attorney General’s Office, the Washington State Department of Ecology will investigate lead and cadmium in school supply products. School supply products include pencil pouches/cases, book covers, backpacks, and other supplies marketed and sold as school supplies for use by a child 12 years of age or younger. Products that are available to Washington state residents in summer 2021, coinciding with the beginning of the next school year, will be purchased online and/or in retail stores.
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Contact Kari Trumbull at 360-407-6764 or
Keywords school supplies, product testing, toxics, lead, cadmium, Children's Safe Products Act
WEB PAGE Consumer products testing

School Supplies 2021: Lead and Cadmium in School Supplies

School Supplies 2023: Addendum 1 to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Lead and Cadmium in School Supplies, 2021