Title | Local Government Funding for Solid Waste in Washington |
Local Government Funding for Solid Waste in Washington (Number of pages: 22) (Publication Size: 419KB)
Author(s) | Department of Ecology - Washington State | ||||||
Description | Section 104 of House Bill 1799 of the 2022 legislative session required the Department of Ecology (Ecology) to contract with a third-party consultant to conduct a study on the adequacy of local government solid waste management funding and make recommendations. The law further required Ecology to include the Washington Association of County Solid Waste Managers (WACSWM); the Association of Washington Cities (AWC); an association that represents the private sector solid waste industry, who in this case was the Washington Refuse and Recycling Association (WRRA); Zero Waste Washington and other stakeholders. Working with these groups, we scoped the study and reviewed the consultant's findings and recommendations prior to submittal to the legislature. |
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ADA Accessibility The Department of Ecology is committed to providing people with disabilities access to information and services by meeting or exceeding the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Washington State Policy #188. Visit Ecology’s website for more information. |
Contact | Julie Robertson at 360-763-2728 or julie.robertson@ecy.wa.gov | ||||||
Keywords | local government, funding, solid waste, solid waste system, Solid Waste Metrics, local, Local Government Funding | ||||||
Chapter 1 - Summary and Recommendations - Local Government Funding for Solid Waste in Washington State Chapter 2 - Current Funding Types - Local Government Funding for Solid Waste in Washington State Chapter 3 - Core Services - Local Government Funding for Solid Waste in Washington State Chapter 4 - Alternative Funding Sources - Local Government Funding for Solid Waste in Washington State Chapter 5 -Fiscal Impacts - Local Government Funding for Solid Waste in Washington State Appendices - Local Government Funding for Solid Waste in Washington State |
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