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Model Toxics Control Accounts Biennial Report of Expenditures: 2021-23

Publication number Date Published
23-09-060May 2024
VIEW NOW Model Toxics Control Accounts Biennial Report of Expenditures: 2021-23 (Number of pages: 332) (Publication Size: 5588KB)
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Author(s) Toxics Cleanup Program
Description This report describes how Washington state agencies spent money from the Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) accounts to clean up contaminated sites and protect your health. Activities described in this report were conducted July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2023.

This report also describes the status of the 1,970-plus sites on Ecology’s Hazardous Sites List as of June 2023. The Hazardous Sites List, also known as the HSL, is a subset of the known 6,300-plus sites remaining on Ecology’s Confirmed and Suspected Contaminated Sites List.

In addition to financial data, the report showcases MTCA-funded success stories from Ecology, Washington State Fire Training Academy, and Washington State University. It also contains operating budget activities, outcomes, and performance measures for 13 state agencies including Ecology, describing how MTCA funds were spent and how the results benefit Washington’s residents.

Why do we produce this report?

State law requires Ecology to produce this report for the Legislature and public every two years during odd-numbered years. It describes how we spent funds to clean up contaminated sites and protect your health over the previous biennium. We document activities that were supported by appropriations from three accounts: the MTCA Capital Account, MTCA Operating Account, and MTCA Stormwater Account. (RCW 70A.305.030(5)).

We produce its companion report called the MTCA Ten-Year Capital Account Financing Report, which describes how Ecology plans to spend cleanup funds over the next biennium and ten years. The “ten-year report” is also required by state law. We produce it every two years during even-numbered years. (RCW 70A.305.030(4)
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Contact Toxics Cleanup Program at 360-407-7170
Keywords Financial report, biennial report, Environmental Legacy Stewardship Account (ELSA), Local Toxics Control Account (LTCA), State Toxics Control Account (STCA), Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA), hazardous waste cleanup, confirmed and suspected contaminated sites list (CSCSL), hazardous sites list (HSL)