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Wargalinta Nadiifinta Goobaha Lower Duwamish

Publication number Date Published
23-09-161SOApril 2023
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Author(s) Augie Nuszer
Description Bay'ada ayaa hogaaminaysa dadaalka lagu nadiifinayo ilaha wasakhaysan ee ka imanaya dhulka kore ee ku hareeraysan biyo mareenka Lower Duwamish ee (LDW) Superfund Site. Midan waxaa loo yaqaanaa ‘LDW Source Control’. Waxaan si firfircoon u kormeernaa nadiifinta 25 goobood ee aagga Xakamaynta Ilaha LDW anagoo heshiis sharci ah raacayna habka nadiifinta ee lagu qeexay Xeerka Xakamaynta Wasakhawga ee Gobolka (MTCA). 25ka goobood ee nadiifinta rasmiga ah iyo labada goobood ee wada xaajoodka rasmiga ah ee u gudbaya habka nadiifinta MTCA ayaa lagu muujiyay jaantuskan oo si kooban hoos loogu soo koobay iyadoo la raacayo heerka goob kasta.
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Contact Augie Nuszer at 425-533-5537 or
Keywords Seattle, Lower Duwamish Waterway, cleanup, MTCA, cleanup sites update, legal agreement

Lower Duwamish Cleanup Sites Update

የታችኛው የDuwamish ማጽጃ ጣቢያዎች ዝማኔ

Actualización de la limpieza de los sitios del Duwamish Inferior

ព័ត៌មានថ􀅫ីៗអំពីការសមា􀆩តទីតាំងេ􀅑 Lower Duwamish

Cập Nhật Địa Điểm Tẩy Nhiễm Hạ Lưu
