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Direct Implementation Fund 2023 Funding Guidelines

Publication number Date Published
23-10-009February 2023
VIEW NOW Direct Implementation Fund 2023 Funding Guidelines (Number of pages: 9) (Publication Size: 322KB)

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Author(s) Carson Moscoso
Description The Direct Implementation Fund (DIF) program is for projects that:
a) Accomplish direct implementation activities on sites which have been identified by Ecology regional staff within a targeted priority watershed/waterbody or through complaint response.
b) Implement a specific high priority action (program or project) from a TMDL, alternative watershed implementation plan or initiative to achieve measurable results towards improving water quality.
Funds should be directed to achieve maximum benefit in a concentrated area to work with other projects and investments towards an established water quality goal. The targeted watershed should have an effectiveness monitoring program in place.
The program is not meant to circumvent the competitive grant process.
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Visit Ecology’s website for more information.
Contact Carson Moscoso at 564-999-1269 or
Keywords water quality, loan, grant
WEB PAGE Water Quality Grants and Loans

Direct Implementation Fund 2024 Funding Guidelines

State Fiscal Year 2023 Funding Guidelines—Water Quality Combined Funding Program