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Lower Columbia River: Addendum 4 to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Freshwater Fish Contaminant Monitoring Program

Publication number Date Published
24-03-106December 2024
VIEW NOW Lower Columbia River: Addendum 4 to Quality Assurance Project Plan: Freshwater Fish Contaminant Monitoring Program (Number of pages: 24) (Publication Size: 597KB)

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Author(s) Bednarek, J. and L. White
Description There are multiple impaired waterbody listings under section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act. Parts of the lower Columbia are listed as impaired based on PCB, pesticide, and dioxin data. More parts of the lower Columbia are also listed as waters of concern. Water quality standards and policies have changed since the most recent data were collected. New data are needed to compare with the most recent standards.

Historic sampling rates were low; more data are needed to determine water quality impairment status and trends. At least 10 samples from one water body are needed to show that water quality standards are met. For trend analysis, at least 7 samples are needed to detect changes using non-parametric methods.

Furthermore, new toxic threats, such as those from perfluorinated contaminants (PFAS), are constantly emerging. EPA developed a predictive model for PFAS in fish tissue from the Columbia Basin. Some predictions are as high as 5 – 30 ng/g of total PFAS in fish tissue near Camas. We aim to collect fish tissue samples from areas where predicted toxics values are high and no data exist. New data will help define the extent and magnitude of PFAS pollution, ground truth predictive models, and inform on the need for fish consumption advisories.
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Keywords Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), QAPP Addendum, PCB, toxics, Columbia River, fish, mercury, PBDE, dioxin
WEB PAGE Freshwater fish contaminant monitoring
WATERSHED Water Resource Inventory Areas
(WRIA 25,WRIA 26,WRIA 27,WRIA 28)
DATA Environmental Information Management (EIM) #FFCMP24


Quality Assurance Project Plan: Freshwater Fish Contaminant Monitoring Program