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Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act Compliance & Outreach Questions and Answers

Publication number Date Published
24-04-047October 2024
VIEW NOW Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act Compliance & Outreach Questions and Answers (Number of pages: 9) (Publication Size: 220KB)

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Author(s) Washington State Department of Ecology
Description Washington’s Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act (TFCA) prevents the manufacture, sale, and distribution of cosmetic products containing certain chemicals linked to harmful impacts. If you produce, manufacture, import, distribute, or sell cosmetic products (including through e-commerce), learn more about TFCA in this summary of compliance and outreach questions and answers from our July 2024 webinar.
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Keywords formaldehyde, manufacturers, personal care products, toxics, compliance, mercury, phthalates, lead, cosmetics, intentional, cosmetologists, TFCA, Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act, phthalates action plan, formaldehyde releasers, cosmetic products, intentionally added, formaldehyde-releasing chemicals, ingredients, ortho-phthalates
WEB PAGE Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act (TFCA)

Korean: 더 안전한 화장품을 선택하는 데 수고를 덜 수 있습니다

Vietnamese: Hãy bỏ công sức tìm hiểu để lựa chọn mỹ phẩm an toàn hơn

Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act Website Resources

Korean: 무독성 화장품법 준수 및 홍보질의응답

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