Title | Toftdahl Drum Site Ground Water Monitoring Round VI - April 6, 1993. August 1993 |
Toftdahl Drum Site Ground Water Monitoring Round VI - April 6, 1993. August 1993 (Number of pages: 46) (Publication Size: 2MB)
Author(s) | Marti, P. | ||||
Description | Ground water samples were collected from four domestic water supply wells located near the former Toftdahl Drum Site on April 6, 1993. This sampling was part of the routine ground water monitoring conducted at the site since 1987. Low concentrations of copper and zinc were detected in the domestic wells. These concentrations were all well below state and federal drinking water standards and state ground water quality standards. Observed concentrations are consistent with previous sampling results; copper and zinc are the only analytes that are regularly detected in the private wells. These occurrences are probably related to well construction and plumbing materials. | ||||
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Contact | EAP Publications Coordinator at 564-669-3028 or EAPpubs@ecy.wa.gov | ||||
Keywords | WRIA 28, drinking water, wells, water, water quality, monitoring, zinc, ground water monitoring, groundwater, ground water, copper | ||||
WATERSHED | Water Resource Inventory Area 28 Salmon-Washougal | ||||
DATA | Environmental Information Management (EIM) #TOFTDAHL |
Toftdahl Drum Site Ground Water Monitoring, June 24, 1996 |
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