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Groundwater (885 publications 1955-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Orden Acordada y el Borrador del Plan de Acción de Limpieza del Terminal de Almacenamiento de Combustible de Coleman Oil en Yakima 24-09-201ESJuly 2024
Coleman Oil Yakima Bulk Plant Agreed Order and Draft Cleanup Action Plan Public Comment Period 24-09-201July 2024
Subestación de Chelan PUD en Worthen 24-09-200ESJune 2024
Chelan PUD Worthen Substation Draft Agreed Order Public Comment Period 24-09-200June 2024
Addendum 1 to Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan Statewide Preliminary PFAS Assessments 24-03-102June 2024
Lovrics Sea Craft Inc Draft Agreed Order and Public Participation Plan Fact Sheet 24-09-061May 2024
Lower Issaquah Valley PFAS Cleanup Sites Postcard 2024 24-09-171April 2024
Lower Issaquah Valley PFAS 清理点 24-09-170ZHApril 2024
Lower Issaquah Valley PFAS 清理点 24-09-170HIApril 2024
Sitios de limpieza de PFAS en el Lower Issaquah Valley 24-09-170ESApril 2024
Lower Issaquah Valley PFAS Cleanup Sites Fact Sheet 2024 24-09-170April 2024
Proteja el agua de su pozo 24-03-009ESApril 2024
Protect Your Well Water - ENG 24-03-009April 2024
Guidance for the WDOE NWTPH-Dx Method for Testing Groundwater: Silica Gel Cleanup Protocol Revision 24-03-001April 2024
Unocal Bulk Plant 0766 Propuesta para Eliminar de la Lista de Sitios Peligrosos 24-09-018ESMarch 2024
Unocal Bulk Plant 0766 Proposed Removal from the Hazardous Sites List 24-09-018March 2024
Aplicadores de aeronaves del aeropuerto Prosser 24-09-017ESMarch 2024
Prosser Airport Aircraft Applicators Proposed Removal from the Hazardous Sites List 24-09-017March 2024
Cle Elum City Proposed Removal from the Hazardous Sites List 24-09-014March 2024
Fifth Wheel Truck Repair 24-09-013ESFebruary 2024
Fifth Wheel Truck Repair 24-09-013February 2024
Pit Stop Naches Proposed Removal from the Hazardous Sites List 24-09-012February 2024
Pacific Pride Tanker Fire Proposed Removal from the Hazardous Sites List Available for Review and Comment 24-09-008February 2024
7 Eleven 25821 Proposed Removal from the Hazardous Sites List Available for Review and Comment 24-09-007February 2024
Programmatic Quality Assurance Project Plan: Statewide PFAS Preliminary Assessments 24-03-101February 2024