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Toxics (1426 publications 1976-2024)

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Title (link to summary)NumberDate (released or updated)
Surface Water Monitoring Program for Pesticides in Salmonid-Bearing Streams, April to December, 2003: A Cooperative Study Conducted by the Washington State Departments of Ecology and Agriculture 04-03-048November 2004
Toxics Cleanup Program Policy 330B: Removal of Sites from the Hazardous Sites List 04-09-104October 2004
Toxics Cleanup Program Policy 330A: Listing of Sites on the Hazardous Sites List 04-09-103October 2004
Quality Assurance Project Plan: Montesano Groundwater Investigation of Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites. 04-03-114October 2004
Cascade Helicopters 04-09-020September 2004
Toxics Cleanup Program Policy 130A: Coordination of MTCA and SEPA 04-09-101July 2004
Toxics Cleanup Program Procedure 321: Site Hazard Assessment of Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) Sites By Local Health Districts / Departments For Ranking Under Washington Ranking Method 04-09-108June 2004
Toxics Cleanup Program Procedure 320: Site Hazard Assessment and Ranking of MTCA Sites by Ecology Staff 04-09-107June 2004
Toxics Cleanup Program Policy 300: Site Discovery—Reporting Releases 04-09-102June 2004